Starting in 2016, NFPA 13 requires the addition of one air vent on each wet fire sprinkler system that utilizes metallic pipe to help mitigate internal pipe corrosion due to trapped air. Developed with input from sprinkler fitter contractors and fire protection engineers, the AGF patented PURGEnVENT are UL Listed and FM Approved while being the most compact option on the market. Additionally, PURGEnVENT does not require a drain line, drip pan, or redundant air vents to prevent leaks. AGF offers three automatic air vents, Models 7900AAV, 7930ECA, and 7950ILV and one manual 7910MAV.
Air Venting Valves
AGF's PURGEnVENT air venting valves release trapped air from wet pipe fire sprinkler systems to help reduce corrosion. Air vents are now required by NFPA 13 (2016) in all wet fire sprinkler systems with metallic pipe. AGF offers a 1/2" manual air vent and a fully automatic air vent with flexible installation options.